Friday, 18 December 2009

Reflections from Madeira (2).

If it is the case that 1.5 billion people could live on this planet with an ecological footprint of 5 GHa/capita, then it is is certainly the case that a larger population could be accommodated with a smaller per capita allocation of bio-capacity.
For example, 3 billion people could live on Earth if they each had an ecological footprint of 2.5 GHa/capita. It would then only be necessary to reduce the Earth's human population from its present 6.79 billion to 3 billion, a reduction of 3.79 billion. (Let us remind ourselves that the ecological footprint is measured in terms of the area of biologically productive land or water that must be used to provide for the needs of one human being, and to eliminate his or her wastes.)
This implies, however, a substantial reduction in the material standard of living for those of us who live in Europe, for 5 GHa/capita is our current allocation, as indicated in my previous 'blog entry. It is a sacrifice that, IMHO, we can and should be prepared to make, in order to allow more of our fellow human beings the chance to live on this beautiful planet.

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